
The GTAW process and can be applied to a wide variety of ferrous (iron-containing) and non-ferrous (non iron-containing) metals. It can be used to weld materials in AC and DC polarities, making it an extremely versatile discipline of welding. Materials able to be welded via this process include, but are not limited to, aluminum, magnesium, and copper in AC polarity, and steel, stainless steel, titanium, and nickel alloys in DC polarity. TIG welding can also be used to join dissimilar metals, such as steel to stainless steel, and stainless steel to nickel alloys when proper welding processes and filler rod are used.


What is TIG Welding?

The TIG (tungsten inert gas) welding process, or gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) is an arc welding process that utilizes a non-consumable tungsten electrode to produce a weld. The electrode and weld are shielded from atmospheric contamination by inert shielding gas, most commonly argon or an argon/helium mix. TIG welding can be accomplished by an autogenous (fusion/non-filled) welding process, or a process in which filler is deposited into the molten weld puddle. TIG is our welding discipline of choice at BP Autosports for all of the fabricated products we offer.


Why We Use The TIG Process

The TIG welding process is BP Autosports’ primary welding process for multiple reasons. Its versatility allows us to properly and safely weld any metals we may come into contact with, giving us the ability to better serve our customers’ welding and fabrication needs.

TIG gives us total control over the welding process, allowing for proper heat input, filler deposition, and gas coverage. This gives us the ability to produce welds that are structurally sound, and products that are safe and durable for our customers to put into service.

Finally, the weld aesthetics produced by the TIG process are what we seek for our products. A properly produced TIG weld can be artisanal, providing our customers with products that they can be proud to own.